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Bruce Hammerslough, 1948-1995

Gay American Astrologer, Writer
astrology chart, profile, links

Gemini Ascendant, Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Mars Descending
Bruce's astro-chart

ASTRODATA: 26 October 1948, 18:48 (6:48 PM) EST (5hw), New York, NY, USA. RR: A. (Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes data from Hammerslough's book, Forecasting).
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED: Leo PLUTO (on Placidus IC, conjunct Moon, disposits Scorpio Sun); MOON (on Placidus IC); SATURN (on Equal IC); MARS (on Des). PATTERNS: Fixed T-SQUARE (Jupiter opposite Uranus, both square Venus). SHAPE: BOWL. CHINESE SIGN: EARTH RAT. NUMEROLOGY: "4" LIFEPATH.


Hammerslough, Bruce. "AIDS: An Astro-Medical Perspective." in Noel Tyl, ed, Sexuality in the Horoscope (1994) 319-356.

---. Forecasting Backward and Forward: Modern Techniques of Timing and Rectification. Llewellyn, 1994.

Bruce's Memorial

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Sy Scholfield