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Danielle Egnew
American Musician, Actor & Producer
astrology chart, profile, links

Cancer Ascendant, Pisces Sun, Leo Moon Rising

her astro-chart

BORN: 28 February 1969, 13:50 (1:50PM) MST (7hW), Billings, MT, USA (45n47, 108w30). Data from her (quoting her birth certificate) to Sy Scholfield [copyright] in an email dated 16 February 2007. Similar information appears on her website ("Danielle is from Billings, Montana. Her birthday is February 28th. For those interested in the Astrology, Danielle is a first decant Pisces with a 0 degree Leo Moon and a 24 degree Cancer rising, with Venus in Aries, Mars in Sagitarrius, North Node in Aries, Jupiter in Libra, Neptune in Scorpio, Saturn in Aries, and Pluto in Virgo"), however she's a second decanate Pisces with Moon at 1 Leo, as shown in the chart above. RR: A.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Leo MOON (conjunct Ascendant), Virgo PLUTO, Libra URANUS & JUPITER (all conjunct IC & South Node), Sagittarius MARS (trine Moon, square Sun), Aries CHIRON (conjunct North Node), Aries VENUS & SATURN (conjunct MC). PATTERNS: GRAND FIRE TRINE (Moon, Mars, Chiron), KITE (Grand fire trine plus Chiron). UNASPECTED: MERCURY in AQUARIUS. SHAPE: HORSESHOE. CHINESE SIGN: EARTH ROOSTER. NUMEROLOGY: "10" LIFEPATH.

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Sy Scholfield

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