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Lilly Roddy

American Consultant Astrologer
at Hermes' Foot, Houston, Texas

astrology chart, profile, links

Virgo Ascendant, Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon, Pluto on South Node

Lilly's astro-chart

Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes data from Lilly Roddy via email, February 2002. RR: A.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Virgo MOON (rising, disposits Cancer stellium). PATTERNS: TRIPLE CANCERIAN CONJUNCTION (Sun, Venus & Uranus), T-SQUARE (Chiron opposite Sun/Venus/Uranus, all square Saturn & Neptune). SHAPE: LOCO~MOTIVE (Jupiter leads). CHINESE SIGN: WATER DRAGON. NUMEROLOGY: "7" LIFEPATH.

photo © Lilly Roddy, used with permission

Visit Lilly Roddy at
Hermes' Foot
and get your Monthly Astrology Forecast!!

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. Her original interest in astrology, like most, was to come to a better understanding of who she was and how to make the most of her life. She originally took astrology classes and began reading charts about 6 months after her first class. She continues to study all areas of astrology and metaphysics to expand her base of knowledge. Her long term goals are to bring astrology into more main stream businesses and to help people to find their sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Lilly is also a Reiki Master, a method of hands on healing. The Reiki method of healing allows the body to accelerate its own healing process. This style of healing can work on the emotional and physical levels of the body. She trains others in this art as well.

Past Life Regression has also been an area of Lilly's interest for the last 10 years. With Past Life Regressions, Lilly tries to bring together the soul's past incarnations and successfully merge the experiences of the past with the present.

Lilly has had an interest in Metaphysics since 1979 and has studied numerology, crystals, gems, palmistry, tarot and subtle energy perception. She has a BA from the University of Texas in Sociology. Lilly writes an Astrological column for the “OutSmart Magazine”, a local Houston magazine.

Lilly has practiced Tai Chi Chuan, a Chinese martial art for the last 20 years and also has her Second Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Lilly's approach is to bring together a mental, physical and spiritual combination that has real application in the world. .... [read more here]

© 2002, 2011
all rights reserved in all media

Sy Scholfield