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Richard Chamberlain

gay American stage & screen actor
Astrology chart, profile, books, films, links

Libra Ascendant, Aries Sun, Libra Moon, Jupiter Rising

his astro-chart

AstroData: born 31 March 1934, 18:20 (6:20pm) PST (8hW), Los Angeles, California, USA. (Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes data from Contemporary American Horoscopes; RR: AA).
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Libra JUPITER (conjunct Ascendant), Aquarius SATURN-VENUS (conjunct North Node), Aries SUN-MARS (conjunct Descendant), Cancer PLUTO (conjunct MC). PATTERNS: CARDINAL T-SQUARE (Libra JUPITER-MOON opposite Aries URANUS, all square Cancer PLUTO). SHAPE: HORSESHOE. CHINESE SIGN: ??. NUMEROLOGY: "6" LIFEPATH.
Wikipedia Biography [Astrology by Sy Scholfield]:

George Richard Chamberlain (born March 31, 1934) is an American actor of stage and screen who became a teen idol in the title role of the television show Dr. Kildare (1961–1966).

Personal life

Chamberlain resided in Hawaii with his partner, actor-writer-producer Martin Rabbett, from the mid-1970s to 2010. Rabbett and Chamberlain starred together in Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold, in which they played brothers Allan and Robeson Quatermain.

Chamberlain was outed by the French women's magazine Nous Deux in December 1989 but it was not until 2003, at the age of 69, that he came out in his autobiography, Shattered Love.

In the spring of 2010 Chamberlain moved from Maui to Los Angeles because of work possibilities, leaving Rabbett in Hawaii, at least temporarily.

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