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Alfred Kinsey, 1894-1956

Bisexual Sex Researcher, Writer

astrology chart, profile, links

Unknown Ascendant, Cancer Sun, (Aquarius or Pisces?) Moon
his astro-chart

ASTRoDATA: Alfred Charles Kinsey, born 23 June 1894, Hoboken, NJ, USA. Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes data from copy of birth certificate in hand. RR: AA (no time of birth given).
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: URANUS in Scorpio (trine Sun, trine Pisces Moon or dispositing Aquarius Moon), MARS in Aries (conjunct North Node). PATTERNS: TRIPLE GEMINI CONJUNCTION (Pluto, Neptune & Jupiter). SHAPE: HORSESHOE (Sun is pivotal). CHINESE SIGN: WOOD HORSE. NUMEROLOGY: "33" LIFEPATH.

Kinsey Institute


books by Kinsey

text © 2005
Sy Scholfield