Amélie Mauresmo
French Professional Tennis Champion
astrology chart, profile, posters, books, links
Scorpio Ascendant, Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, Jupiter Midheaven
![Amelie Mauresmo's astro-chart](radix/ameliemauresmochart.gif)
ASTRoDATA: Born Amélie Simone Mauresmo, 5 July 1979, 16:30 (4:30 PM) CET (2hE), Saint-Germain en Laaye dans les Yvelines, France (48n54, 2e05). [RR: AA (Time of birth Copyright Didier Geslain in les DN de Septembre 2002 quotes official records: "Acte n° 1610.")].
URANUS in Scorpio (conjunct Ascendant & Moon, trine Sun), MOON in Scorpio (conjunct Ascendant, disposits Cancer Sun), CHIRON in Taurus (conjunct Descendant, opposite Moon, sextile Sun), MERCURY in Leo (conjunct Midheaven, trine Moon), JUPITER in Leo (conjunct Zenith, semi-sextile Sun, trine Moon), SATURN in Virgo (conjunct South Node), PLUTO in Libra (square Sun, rules Scorpio Moon & Ascendant).
PATTERNS: T-SQUARE (Uranus-Moon opposite Chiron, all square Mercury-Jupiter).
UNASPECTED: Venus at 29° Gemini.
SHAPE: LOCOMOTIVE (Chiron leads).
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Mauresmo is a former 'World No. 1.' She won two Grand Slam singles titles in 2006, at the Australian Open and at Wimbledon.
Sporty 'Jupiter in Leo' on her Midheaven helps to explain her extraordinary playing skills. Meanwhile, Pluto semi-sextiles and disposits the Scorpio Uranus-Moon conjunction on her Ascendant in the first house, which along with the Saturn-Mars square, makes her a mighty opponent on the court. Mauresmo is well known for her powerful one-handed backhand (an expression of retrograde Uranus on her ascendant?) and for her strong net play.
Mauresmo first attained the top ranking in mid September 2004, holding that status for five weeks. At age 25 she had become the fourteenth World No. 1 in women's tennis since the computer rankings began. Fittingly, her Sun had progressed 25 degrees to reach her Tenth House cusp.
She 'came out' as a lesbian to the international press at age 19, when progressed Neptune had moved 19 degrees to reach her natal third house cusp, thus also forming tight aspects with her natal Ascendant, Saturn and Mercury.
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