Rosa Bonheur
French Animalière, Realist Artist, Sculptor
astrology chart, profile, links
Libra Ascendant, Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, Unaspected Venus
BORN: Rosalie Bonheur, 16 March 1822, 20:00 (8PM) LMT, Bordeaux, France. RR: AA. Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes a transcription of the BC in Anna Klumpke's book, "Rosa Bonheur: The Artist's (Auto)Biography" (U of Michigan P, 1997), p. 85.
Aries SATURN (conjunct Descendant), Leo MARS (conjunct South Node).
SHAPE: BUCKET (Leo Mars handle).
[with Astrology notes by Sy Scholfield]
Rosa Bonheur, née Marie-Rosalie Bonheur, (March 16, 1822 – May 25, 1899) was a French animalière, realist artist, and sculptor. As a painter she became famous primarily for two chief works: Ploughing in the Nivernais (in French Le labourage nivernais, le sombrage ), which was first exhibited at the Salon of 1848, and is now in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris depicts a team of oxen ploughing a field while attended by peasants set against a vast pastoral landscape; and, The Horse Fair (in French Le marché aux chevaux), which was exhibited at the Salon of 1853 (finished in 1855) and is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York City. Bonheur is widely considered to have been the most famous female painter of the nineteenth century.
Due to a tendency in 1980s-1990s academic criticism to locate Bonheur as a proto-Feminist and as a pivotal figure for Queer theory, she is perhaps most famous today because she was known for wearing men's clothing and living with women. Her work and artistic talent has now become somewhat secondary in importance to her manner of dress, her choice of companions and her penchant for smoking cigarettes. On her wearing of trousers, she said at the time that her choice of attire was simply practical as it facilitated her work with animals: "I was forced to recognize that the clothing of my sex was a constant bother. That is why I decided to solicit the authorization to wear men's clothing from the prefect of police. But the suit I wear is my work attire, and nothing else. The epithets of imbeciles have never bothered me...." She lived for over forty years with her childhood friend Nathalie Micas. In the final year of her life she became close with Anna Klumpke, the author of her "autobiography".
She died at the age of 77, at Thomery (By), France. Many of her paintings, which had not previously been shown publicly, were sold at auction in Paris in 1900.
....[read more at Wikipedia]
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