Gay Australian politician, Leader of the Australian Greens astrology chart, profile, books, links ![]() ASTRODATA: Robert James Brown, born 27 December 1944, 14:20 (2:20PM) AEST (10he), Oberon, NSW, Australia (149e52 33s43). RR: C. {Dennis Sutton in his 50 Australian Charts cites "biography," but no other details given}. FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Gemini URANUS (conjunct Moon; widely quincunx Sun; rules Midheaven), Leo PLUTO (conjunct Nadir; sextile Moon; widely quincunx Sun), Libra CHIRON-NEPTUNE (square Sun; trine Moon), Aries ERIS (sextile Moon; square Sun). PATTERNS: CARDINAL GRAND CROSS (Saturn, Chiron-Neptune, Sun, Eris), BOOMERANG (Moon-Uranus sextile Pluto, all quincunx Sun which opposes Saturn). SHAPE: SEE~SAW & HORSESHOE. CHINESE SIGN: WOOD MONKEY. |
Senator Bob Brown, Australian Greens
Wikipedia Biography [Astrology by Sy Scholfield]:
Robert James Brown is an Australian Senator, the inaugural Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens and the first openly gay member of the Parliament of Australia. Brown was elected to the Australian Senate on the Tasmanian Greens ticket joining with sitting WA Greens senator Dee Margetts to form the first Australian Greens senators following the 1996 federal election, and was re-elected in 2001 and again in 2007.
While serving in the Tasmanian parliament, Bob Brown successfully campaigned for a large increase in the protected wilderness areas [The subtitle to James Norman's biography of Brown is "Gentle Revolutionary," perfect keywords for a man with Venus in Aquarius ruling his Taurus Ascendant]. Bob Brown has led the Australian Greens during a period of growth from a party on the political fringe, to one which now polls at around 10% at state and federal level, runs candidates in every federal and almost all state and territory seats, and have won seats in six of the eight states/territories and at the federal level [Sun (leader) in 9th (house of expansion) trine Taurus Ascendant (green politics)]. During the minority Senate between 2002 and 2004, when minor parties held the balance of power, Bob Brown became a well recognised politician. Bob Brown has been known for vocal protest campaigns [assertive Mars conjunct vocal Mercury in crusading Sagittarius], which created international headlines on 23 October 2003 when he was suspended from the Parliament for interjecting during an address by the visiting President of the United States, George W. Bush [].
.... [read more about Bob Brown at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].
Burke's Backyard. Brisbane, QTQ9, 5 October 2001.
Calder, Bill. "Green with a Touch of Pink." Outrage September 1989: 33.
Darby, Andrew (interviewer). "Bob Brown & Paul Thomas." Good Weekend 20 November 1999: 14.
Konkes, Claire. "Brown's Backers Bask in the Limelight." Australian 12 November 2001: 7.
Powell, Sian. "Mission Brown." Weekend Australian Magazine 8-9 December 2001: 22+.
Thompson, Peter. Bob Brown of the Franklin River. Sydney; London; Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1984.
White, Mark. "Nature Boy." HQ August/September 2001: 72-78.