Scorpio Ascendant, Cancer Sun, Leo Moon, Mars Rising
ASTRoDATA. Born: Andrew Okun, 25 June 1952, 15:13 (3:13PM) EDT (4hW), Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes data from birth certificate, courtesy of Pat Taglilatelo; RR: AA). Died: 17 August 1992, San Francisco, California.
Scorpio MARS (conjunct Ascendant, square Moon, trine Sun), Capricorn CHIRON (opposite Sun, quincunx Moon), Cancer MERCURY (conjunct Midheaven), Leo MOON (conjunct MC), Leo PLUTO (semi-square Sun, conjunct Moon).
PATTERNS: CARDINAL T-SQUARE (Chiron opposite Sun, Venus & Uranus, all square Saturn), CARDINAL T-SQUARE (Chiron opposite Uranus, both square Neptune).
SHAPE: LOCOMOTIVE (Jupiter in Taurus leads).
With his rugged yet groomed masculine appearance, including a muscular & lean build plus short-cropped hair, trimmed beard & moustache, this American gay pornstar of the 1970s and 1980s came to personify the gay 'clone' look. Known by the pseudonym 'Al Parker', the 'well-hung' Drew Okun exhibited a "butch appearance, emotional withdrawal from sexual partners, and a view of sex as a contact sport" that helped make him one of the most popular adult film stars of all time. Apart from his career as a same-sex porn actor in 21 films, Okun was involved with the business of making and selling penis (enlargement) pumps. He also co-established the gay porn film company Surge Studios, and with the emergence of AIDS, promoted safe sex practices in his films, before dying from AIDS in 1992. More about his life can be found in Roger Edmonson's biography,
Clone: The Life and Legacy of Al Parker Gay Superstar.
For Astrological indicators of hypermasculinity in his chart look at the planets ruling the fire signs: muscular MARS rises in erotic Scorpio ruled by sexy Pluto in masculine Leo on the South Node; the SUN is disposited by Moon in Leo on the MC while semi-squared by Pluto & trined by Mars; and JUPITER leads his Locomotive shape while squared by Pluto. Phew! With four planets in Cancer ruled by the Moon on the MC he was a sensitive guy yet he projected a hypermasculine nature due to the Moon's placement in powerful Leo. Neptune in the 12th House allowed him to channel his energy through film acting & production. Moreover, with the strong presence of Pluto and Scorpio in Okun's chart, his alter ego, Al Parker, has come to symbolize rough and raw sexuality.