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Aries Ascendant, Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon, Saturn-Uranus

ASTRoDATA: 24 March 1987, 07:00 (7AM) EST (5hW), New York, NY, USA. (Date & Time printed on the Flyer of the First ACT-UP "MASSIVE AIDS DEMONSTRATION.") RR: B.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Taurus MARS (trine Moon, disposits Aries Sun), Capricorn MOON (on MH), Sagittarius URANUS (semi-sextile Moon, square Sun), Aries JUPITER (on South Node). PATTERNS: None. SHAPE: LOCOMOTIVE (Pluto in Scorpio leads). CHINESE SIGN: FIRE RABBIT. NUMEROLOGY: "7" LIFEPATH.

In early March 1987, concerned individuals who were outraged by the U.S. government's mismanagement of the AIDS crisis, united to form the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power. Their first demonstration (for which this chart is drawn) took place on March 24th on Wall Street, the financial centre of the world, to protest the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies (especially Burroughs Wellcome, manufacturer of AZT). Seventeen people were arrested. Shortly after the demonstration, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it would shorten its drug approval process by two years...

...thus began ACT-UP!

Wikipedia Biography [Astrology by Sy Scholfield]:

AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) is an international direct action advocacy group working to impact the lives of people with AIDS (PWAs) and the AIDS pandemic to bring about legislation, medical research and treatment and policies to ultimately bring an end to the disease by mitigating loss of health and lives.

ACT UP was effectively formed in March 1987 at the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center in New York. Larry Kramer was asked to speak as part of a rotating speaker series, and his well-attended speech focused on action to fight AIDS. Kramer spoke out against the Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), which he perceived as politically impotent. Kramer had co-founded the GMHC but had resigned from its board of directors in 1983. According to Douglas Crimp, Kramer posed a question to the audience: "Do we want to start a new organization devoted to political action?" The answer was "a resounding yes." Approximately 300 people met two days later to form ACT UP. .... [read more about ACT UP at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].


ACT-UP poster by Keith Haring.

© 2000, 2011 Sy Scholfield