National Coming Out Day
annual lesbian & gay event
Astrology chart, profile, links
Cancer Ascendant, Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Mars on MC
DATA: 11 october 1988, 00:01 (12:01 am) PDT (7hw), West Hollywood, CA, USA (118w22, 34n05). RR: B. Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes date and place given in various historical sources including the "In the Beginning" article at the HRC website.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Libra MERCURY, SUN, MOON (all at base of chart); Aries MARS (conjunct MC). PATTERNS: T-SQUARE (Chiron opposite Neptune, both square Mars); CRADLE (Venus & Pluto plus the T-square, with MARS at the apex forming the handle of the Cradle), YOD (Venus sextile Pluto, both quincunx MC). SHAPE: Splay. CHINESE SIGN: EARTH DRAGON.
The founding of this event could also be known as "Double Libra Day" because both the Sun and Moon were conjoined in the sign of the Scales at the base of the chart. Moreover, Libra is related to partnerships and marriage, and the Libran luminaries are found together at the base of the chart (which represents the background
to the event). National Coming Out Day was thus founded on the anniversary of the mass gay and lesbian "Wedding" ceremony & celebration in Washington, DC, in 1987.
Venus, the planet associated with relationships (that rules the Libran luminaries) sextiles Pluto, the planet associated with sexuality, forming a Yod pattern with the MC. Furthermore, self-assertive Mars in its own sign Aries conjoins the MC and forms the handle of a Cradle pattern -- no wonder people have annually acted on their
aspirations to reveal their true (homo/bi/sexual) selves en masse since this first coming out day!
National Coming Out Day:
"National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an internationally observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people (LGBT), and asexuals. It is observed by members of the LGBT communities and their supporters (often referred to as "allies") on October 11 every year, or October 12 in the United Kingdom."
"NCOD was founded in 1988 by Robert Eichberg, a psychologist from New Mexico and Jean O'Leary, an openly-gay political leader from Los Angeles, on behalf of the personal growth workshop The Experience and National Gay Rights Advocates. The date of October 11 was chosen because it was the anniversary of the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.
The first headquarters was located in the West Hollywood, California offices of the National Gay Rights Advocates. 18 states participated in the first NCOD, which was covered in the national media. In its second year, the headquarters moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico and participation grew to 21 states. After a media push in 1990, NCOD was observed in all 50 states and seven other countries. Participation continued to grow and in 1990 NCOD merged their efforts with the Human Rights Campaign Fund."
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