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Tony Ayres

Chinese-Australian filmmaker, screenwriter, director
Astrology chart, profile, books, DVDs, links

Unknown Ascendant, Cancer Sun, Angular Moon, Venus T-Square

Noon Chart: Time of Birth Unknown

his astro-chart

Born: 16 July 1961, Macau. RR: XB (Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes flat data from Prints & Printmaking).
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Pisces CHIRON (conjunct South Node), Leo URANUS (conjunct North Node), MOON (Conjunct North Node), Virgo PLUTO (conjunct North Node). PATTERNS: YOD (Mercury sextile Pluto, both quincunx Jupiter), GRAND WATER TRINE (Neptune, Chiron, Mercury), KITE (Grand Water Trine plus Pluto), MUTABLE T-SQUARE (Pluto-Mars opposite Chiron, all square Venus). SHAPE: FAN. CHINESE SIGN: METAL OX (aka BUFFALO). NUMEROLOGY: "22" LIFEPATH.
Wikipedia Biography

[with Astrology notes by Sy Scholfield]:

Tony Ayers is a Chinese-born Australian screenwriter and director. He's most notable for his award-winning films Walking on Water and The Home Song Stories.

Ayres was born in Macau, China. His mother was a nightclub singer [ruler of Moon (mother) in Pisces or Piscean decanate] who committed suicide in 1972, when Ayres was 11 years old. Before her death, his mother married an Australian sailor [Sun (father figure) in Pisces (sailor) decanate of Cancer (ocean)] and migrated with her family to Perth, Western Australia in 1964. Ayres' stepfather died of a heart attack three years after the death of his wife, and two days before he was due to remarry. Ayres and his older sister briefly lived with their stepfather's former fiancee, before being placed in the care of Ayres' history teacher. They then moved to Canberra, Australian Capital Territory with their guardian, whom Ayres' sister later married. Ayres' 2007 film The Home Song Stories is loosely based on this early period of his life.

Ayres studied photography and printmaking [Sun (one's creative talents) in Pisces decanate (photography, film)] at the Australian National University in Canberra, before working as an exhibition curator. He later completed postgraduate studies in film and video at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Victoria.

His films include The Home Song Stories (2007), Walking on Water (2002), Sadness (1999), Exposed (1997) , China Dolls (1997) , Mrs. Craddock's Complaint (1997) , Double Trouble (1992) .

.... [read more at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].

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Sy Scholfield

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