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Gavin Arthur, 1901-1972

Bisexual American Astrologer, Author of The Circle of Sex
astrology chart, profile, links

Gemini Ascendant, Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Pluto Rising

Gavin Arthur's astro-chart

DATA: Chester Alan Arthur III, 21 March 1901, 09:50 (9:50a.m.) MST (7hw), Colorado Springs, CO, USA (104w49, 38n50). RR: A (Ed Steinbrecher quotes Arthur personally for the data). DIED: 28 April 1972, San Francisco, CA (Steinbrecher).
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: NEPTUNE (conjunct Ascendant, square Sun); MARS (trine Moon, disposits Sun); URANUS (conjunct Descendant, trine Moon); MERCURY (conjunct MH); VENUS (conjunct MH). PATTERNS: TRIPLE CAPRICORN CONJUNCTION (Chiron, Jupiter, Saturn); GRAND FIRE TRINE (Mars, Uranus, Moon); T-SQUARE (Neptune opposite Chiron, both square Sun); MUTABLE T-SQUARE (Pluto opposite Uranus, both square Mercury/Venus). MUTUAL RECEPTIONS: SUN in ARIES & MARS in LEO; MERCURY in PISCES & NEPTUNE in GEMINI. SHAPE: HORSESHOE (Aries Moon as Pivotal Planet). CHINESE SIGN: METAL OX (BUFFALO). NUMEROLOGY: "8" LIFEPATH.

Gavin Arthur Memorial

© 2002, 2011
Sy Scholfield


Arthur, Gavin. The Circle of Sex San Francisco: Pan-Graphic Press, 1962; New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1966.

Cerminara, Gina. "Mr. Arthur, I Presume?" Part 18 of an interview with Walden Welch.

Ginsberg, Allen. "To Gavin Arthur" Poem, 8 August 1966.

"Haight Ashbury" The Divining Nation.

Krippner, Stanley. "The Circle of Sex in Mythology and Folklore" Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing, San Rafael, CA, 1-3 September 2001. Ed. Ruth-Inge Heinze. Berkeley, CA: Independent Studies of Asia, c2001, pp. 181-188.

Leyland, Winston, ed. "The Gay Succession." Gay Roots: An Anthology of Gay History, Sex, Politics & Culture, Volume 1, Gay Sunshine Press.

Meyer, Michael. R. "Rudhyar: Friend, Exemplar And Sage" 1996.

Nordell, Gary Edward. "Joining the Circle" WMail: The Working Minds Newsletter Vol. VI, Issue #55, December 2005.

Selandia, Elizabeth "Gavin Arthur, San Francisco's Foremost Astrologer in 1950s-70s: Introduction to His Life, Philosophy, and Teachings, with Hands-on Instruction of His Color-Coded System"