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Herb Ritts, 1952-2002

gay American photographer & video director

Astrology chart, profile, books, links

Scorpio Ascendant, Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Mars Rising

his astro-chart

BORN: Herbert Ritts, Jnr, 13 August 1952, 13:04 (1:04PM) PDT (7hw), Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA (34n01, 118w29). Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes full name and other data from birth certificate in hand). DIED: 26 December 2002. RR: AA.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Scorpio MARS (conjunct Ascendant); Taurus JUPITER (conjunct Descendant); Leo MERCURY, SUN, PLUTO (all conjunct South Node & Zenith). PATTERNS: TRIPLE CONJUNCTION (Mercury, Sun, Pluto, all in Leo); FIXED T-SQUARE (Mars opposite Jupiter, both square triple conjunction); CARDINAL T-SQUARE (Chiron opposite Uranus, both square Saturn). SHAPE: LOCOMOTIVE (Jupiter leads). CHINESE SIGN: WATER DRAGON. NUMEROLOGY: "11" LIFEPATH.

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Wikipedia Biography:
Herbert Ritts (August 13, 1952 in Los Angeles, California – December 26, 2002 in Los Angeles) was an American fashion photographer who concentrated on black-and-white photography and portraits in the style of classical Greek sculpture. Consequently some of his more famous pieces are of male and female nudes in what can be called glamour photography. He was reputed to be one of the best fashion photographers.... [read more]

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Sy Scholfield