Jack Pierson
American Photographer
Astrology chart, profile, pictures, links
Gemini Ascendant, Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon, Mars Rising
Many thanks to Pat Taglilatelo of Astrodatabank for quoting me the astro-data from his birth certificate (Jonathan Tyler Pierson). [RR: AA.]
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: MARS (conjunct Ascendant); PLUTO (conjunct IC & North Node); SUN (conjunct Base); JUPITER (conjunct Descendant); CHIRON (conjunct MC, square Moon, quincunx Sun).
PATTERNS: GRAND TRINE (Mars, Venus, Chiron); ANGULAR T-SQUARE (Jupiter opposite Mars, both square Sun); FIXED T-SQUARE (Chiron opposite Uranus, both square Moon).
American visual artist (photography, drawings, sculptures and installations) of the so-called 'Boston School' who lives and works in New York, Southern California and Provincetown, Massachusetts. One of the most sought after of contemporary artists, his romanticized and semi-autobiographical works include photographs of the male nude and of himself. He is also renowned for his neon signs, known as 'sign-letter sculptures' which he makes from scavenged artifacts.
With the Moon & Sun each at the apex of a challenging (angular or fixed) T-square pattern, Pierson no doubt experiences great inner & outer tension that can only be resolved through self-expression. Art & beauty is indicated by Venus in Libra along with the Sun in the same sign at the base of his chart. With Mars in Cancer leading his Locomotive Shape from the Ascendant the focus of his creativity is driven by lovely imagery of the softer side of masculinity. Neptune in Scorpio trine his Mars from the artistic & romantic 5th House explains what Eileen Myles sees as "gay hoboism" in his work.
Find his art books here.
Jack Pierson
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