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Kayla Rae Worden

American Animal Rights Activist, Model
Campaign Coordinator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

astrology chart, profile, links

Libra Ascendant, Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, Neptune Rising

her astro-chart

ASTRO-DATA: Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes birth data for chart from Worden via email. RR: A.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Capricorn SATURN & JUPITER (on Nadir), Pisces CHIRON (on South Node, opposite and dispositing Virgo Sun), Cancer MOON (conjunct and ruling MH), Leo VENUS (conjunct MC), Leo URANUS (conjunct North Node), Virgo PLUTO (conjunct Sun, semi-square Moon). PATTERNS: BOOMERANG (MC sextile Mercury both quincunx Chiron which opposes Pluto). SHAPE: LOCOMOTOVE (Chiron leads). CHINESE SIGN: METAL OX. NUMEROLOGY: "22" LIFEPATH.

Venus-in-Leo 'Cat Lady' !
click picture for larger view !
photo © Kayla Rae Worden, used with permission

Vegan Erotica !


"Kayla Worden of the US and British Yvonne Taylor Wave to a Quickly Gathering Crowd in a Small Square in Beijing" Archival photo at PlanetArk.

Reinhart, Susan. "Asheville Woman Evokes Change, Both for PETA and Herself" Citizen-Times 16 August 2002 (includes picture!).

© 2003, 2011
Sy Scholfield

all rights reserved in all media