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Melissa Ferrick

American Acoustic Rocker, Singer-Songwriter
Astrology chart, profile, books, links

Cancer Ascendant, Virgo Sun, Gemini Moon, Uranus Boomerang
Ferrick's astro-chart

ASTRO-DATA: Melissa Parsons Ferrick, born 21 September 1970, 00:56 (12:56 AM) EDT (4hE), Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA (Sy Scholfield [copyright] cites Pat Taglilatelo for data from birth certificate; RR: AA).
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: MARS in Virgo (conjunct South Node), PLUTO in Virgo (conjunct IC), SUN in Virgo (conjunct IC), URANUS in Libra (conjunct IC & Sun; trine Moon), VENUS in Scorpio (semi-square Sun; quincunx Moon). PATTERNS: YOD (Mars sextile Jupiter-Venus, all quincunx Chiron), BOOMERANG (Yod plus Uranus). MUTUAL RECEPTION: CHIRON in ARIES (quincunx) MARS in VIRGO. SHAPE: FUNNEL. CHINESE SIGN: METAL DOG. NUMEROLOGY: "11" LIFEPATH.
ASTRO~PROFILE by Sy Scholfield
Massachusetts singer-songwriter and acoustic rocker Melissa Ferrick, who was raised in an Irish-Catholic family, earned herself a scholarship to Berklee College of Music in the mid-1980s. She emerged when by chance she replaced the opening act on Morrissey’s tour in 1991. Her impressive performance led to a place on the rest of the superstar’s U.S. tour and U.K. follow-up. Ferrick’s popularity grew through subsequent tours with Bob Dylan, Dwight Yoakam, Lisa Germano, and others. Her debut album, Massive Blur came out in 1993, followed by Willing to Wait (1995), Melissa Ferrick + 1 (1997), Everything I Need (1998), Freedom (2000), and Skinnier, Faster, Liver at the B.P.C. (2001). Everything I Need earned her Best Folk Rock Band at the 1999 Boston Music Awards, and was nominated as 1999 Album of the Year by the Gay and Lesbian American Music Association (GLAMA).

The Boomerang to Uranus (in Libra on her IC) is perhaps the most arresting feature in Ferrick’s chart. Through this planet’s placement, she continually grounds herself (IC) as a musical (Libra) role model and symbol of freedom for queer youth (Uranus) who are tackling sexuality issues (Uranus ruling the Eighth House). For these confused folk, as she says, she’s “the resting block” (quoted in Steele). Her songs explore her own intense experiences of love and relationships with women (Uranus disposited by Venus in Scorpio in the Boomerang), delivered live--according to Karen Iris Tucker--through a “sexy stage persona” (exact and angular conjunction between Sun and Venus’ dispositor, Pluto) and “the trademark flirty between-song banter that utterly enchants her fans” (mutual reception between Chiron and Mars, both of which are in the Boomerang, too). Yes, with attention-grabbing Mars-Mercury squaring the Moon in verbal Gemini that rules her sensitive Cancerian Ascendant, Melissa Ferrick “can dangle a crowd on the lilt of a lyric and nail the nuance of a conflicted feeling with one well-sung word” (Tucker). With such talent and these stars, finding the balancing between maintaining her artistic independence and satisfying her queer fan base will keep Ferrick plenty busy. The Boomerang pattern to Uranus in Libra on the Base of her chart will make sure of that. It should also bring about some pleasant and groundbreaking surprises (for both us and her!).

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(official website)


Bell, Carrie. Everything I Need By Melissa Ferrick" Advocate. Review.

Tucker, Karen Iris. "No More Miss U-Haul" Advocate. Review.

W.A.R. Profile

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© 2003+ Sy Scholfield

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