Jade Esteban Estrada
Latin pop singer, comedian, actor, human rights activist
Astrology chart, profile, books, links
Sagittarius Ascendant, Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Pluto MC
AstroData: 17 September 1975, 14:00 (2pm) CDT (+5), Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, USA (Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes data from him by email. RR: A).
Aries JUPITER & Aries CHIRON (sextile Moon; quincunx Sun), Gemini MARS (conjunct Descendant), Libra PLUTO (conjunct MC).
PATTERNS: T-SQUARE (Uranus opposite Jupiter/Chiron, all square Leo SATURN), YOD (Moon sextile Jupiter/Chiron, all quincunx SUN), GRAND AIR TRINE (Aquarius MOON, Gemini MARS, Libra MERCURY), KITE (Grand Air Trine plus Aries JUPITER).
Wikipedia Biography [Astrology by Sy Scholfield]:
Jade Esteban Estrada is a successful Latin pop singer, comedian, choreographer, actor, political commentator, and human rights activist. Out Magazine called him "the first gay Latin star."
Born to now-divorced parents David Gonzales Estrada and Aurora Sanchez Estrada, Jade Esteban Estrada has four siblings: Celeste, David, Olga and Sara. As a young boy, he participated in extra-curricular school activities and sang in the school choir, where he first noticed that his talent captivated audiences. Through the encouragement of his choir instructor he began to take voice lessons and eventually traveled to New York where he worked as an assistant to Tony award-winning actress Zoe Caldwell.
Estrada appeared in the German production of Starlight Express and also worked as a dancer for Seventeen Magazine. After two popular appearances as a transgender singer/dancer on NBC's The Jerry Springer Show, he won the attention of Latin TV personality Charo and worked as her chief choreographer and lead dancer. He gained international recognition in 1998 when he released his first Latin pop single, "Reggae Twist" on the Brooklyn-based Total Envision Records label. He later turned his attention to solo theatre and stand-up comedy.
In 2008, he hosted the 19th Annual South Florida GLAAD Media Awards on Bravo. During the Obama Administration, he was invited to The White House to attend the State Arrival Ceremony welcoming the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón and First Lady Margarita Zavala.
In 2011, he began interviewing high-profile politicians and religious leaders in his weekly column "Glitter Political" for the online newsmagazine Plaza de Armas.
.... [read more at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].
official: www.getjaded.com