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Russell Grant

British Astrologer
astrology chart, profile, links

Libra Ascendant, Aquarius Sun & Moon, Saturn Rising

his astro-chart

Sy Scholfield quotes data from Frank Clifford's book, British Entertainers: The Astrological Profiles (used with permission). RR: A.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Libra SATURN (conjunct Ascendant), Pisces Mars-Jupiter (conjunct North Node), Cancer Uranus (conjunct MC). PATTERNS: T-SQUARE (Saturn Apex). SHAPE: UNDEFINED. CHINESE SIGN: . NUMEROLOGY: "5" LIFEPATH.

Russell Grant

Russell Grant's Gay & Lesbian Astrology webpage

Russell Grant came out as gay in a January 2006 article in the Irish Sunday Independent, as transiting Uranus formed a conjunction with his natal Venus-Mars conjunction. Grant reveals that he's been with the same partner for 33 years, Doug Beaumont, who manages and runs his website...

© 2006, 2011
Sy Scholfield