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American Stand-up Comedian, Actor, Radio Personality, Writer "Offensive, obscene and totally hilarious." "Capurro is a pussycat with claws, but so endearing that you end up wanting to take him home and hide him from your mother" -- Ian Shuttleworth Capricorn Ascendant, Sagittarius Sun, Gemini Moon T-Square ![]() Born: 10 December 1962, San Francisco, California, USA (37n47, 122w25). Sy Scholfield quotes data (including time of birth for chart [copyright]) from Capurro in an email via his official website. RR: A. FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Aquarius SATURN (conjunct South Node), Pisces JUPITER (square Moon, disposits Sagittarian Sun), Virgo PLUTO (square both luminaries), Sagittarius MERCURY (conjunct Sun, disposits Gemini Moon). PATTERNS: T-SQUARE (Uranus-Pluto opposite Jupiter-Chiron, all square Moon), T-SQUARE (Sun opposite Moon, both square Pluto). SHAPE: HORSESHOE (Libra MC is pivotal) CHINESE SIGN: WATER TIGER. NUMEROLOGY: "22" life path. ASTRO-BIOGRAPHY by Sy Scholfield:
With the dramatic Sun in jovial Sagittarius and its ruler Jupiter on the cusp of the
Third House of communications,
Scott Capurro is a very verbal actor-comedian who channels his
funny stories through stage performances and (novel & play) writing.
As the "fag from San Franscico" he has astounded stand-up comedy audiences
from Sydney to Edinburgh, and been banned from Australian t.v. (no easy feat but one
he did quite effortlessly). He has appeared in plays (such as Bent and
Brain Souffle), on television (currently on UK's The Gay Show), and in
films (like Mrs Doubtfire and Star Wars), while his book,
Play, "explores the grimmer aspects of falling in lust with a sense
of humor so dark you may need a torch."
Yes, with sarcastic and class-conscious
Capricorn on his Ascendant ruled by deadpan Saturn in quirky and in-your-face Aquarius, he's
a bit bitter and twisted, or at least that's the way he likes to come across:
"He does bitter, self-absorbed,
arrogant and self-loathing - but not likeable. This uncompromising stance provides a
foundation for brutally honest comedy. His frank descriptions of his loveless
gay lifestyle, his white trash background and his bleak outlook are as uncomfortable
as they are funny."
Scott Capurro makes the most of his lucky Horseshoe shape by best
utilising its pivotal point, specifically by focusing on the funny sides
of those things denoted by his Libran Midheaven: love & relationships (or the lack of them)
and aspiring to keep an im/balanced state of affairs. With Venus in Scorpio ruling his
Libran midheaven, he swivels out a superficially-deep and deeply-superficial take on his
lust for life, and lust for lust itself. Neptune conjunct Venus just adds to his special charm.
Moreover, what he self-describes (or self-diagnoses?) as his "homoneurotic" style of
comedy reflects the placement of the highly-sexed & highly-charged Pluto-Uranus conjunction in his Ninth
House, the astrological domain that explains how one gets one's laughs.
No wonder then that Fowl Play, his "comedy book about murder and date rape," was reviewed as "shockingly funny" and "remarkably powerful" by the
Guardian. With this pair of outer planets in witty,
discriminatory & Earthy Virgo, he's known for making rather "politically incorrect" jokes about racial, sexual and
minority stereotypes (along with controversial gags and physical comedy about under-age
And where others would fail, this adventurous Sagittarian Water Tiger
(the endearing "pussycat with claws") always seems to get
away with it despite (and probably because of) his Uranus-Pluto square with the
Gemini Moon. After all, Luna in this sign is very Mercurial and inclined to popularity
(especially when approaching challenging topics, and accompanied by a
quincunx aspect between the Ascendant and an unaspected North Node in the first degree
of you're-just-gonna-love-me Leo, no less!). All this and
a masterly "22/4" numerological life path and you have an impressive "queen bitch"
of a showman!
Wikipedia Bio:
Scott A. Capurro (born December 10, 1962 in San Francisco[1]) is a stand-up comedian and writer based in San Francisco and London. His comedy material is deliberately provocative, referring often to gay life and culture, politics, race and racism, and popular culture.
In 1994, he was awarded the Perrier Award for best newcomer, at the Edinburgh Festival.
In 2001, Capurro appeared on Australian show Rove Live and shocked the host, Rove, with an explicit routine. His material was no more bawdy than usual. Rove apologized immediately after the performance.[3]
In 2002, he presented a light-hearted documentary on the UK's Channel 4 called The Truth About Gay Animals which examined the subject of homosexuality in animals. Capurro visited various collections of captive animals to observe animals which had been reported to exhibit homosexual behaviour, and interviewed the staff about this. The show also included an interview with anti-gay rights campaigner Baroness Young, where Capurro showed Young a video of a variety of male-male intercourse and female-female mating attempts in various animal species, and then asked her to comment on whether this influenced her views about its "unnaturalness".[4]
Capurro has been a frequent guest at the Sarah & No Name Morning Show of Radio Alice 97.3FM KLLC San Francisco.[5]
Scott is managed by comedy agency, The Comedy Bar who also manage Trevor Lock and Tony Law
From May to June 2008, he acted the role of Sammy in Joe DiPietro's play Fucking Men in London, UK. |
Shuttleworth, Ian. "Scott Capurro's Love and Affection Tour, Pleasance, Edinburgh, August, 1995." Review in the Independent.
"Scott Capurro Interview." Comedy Live, March 2001.