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Vladimir Luxuria

Italian politican, actor, TV personality
Europe's first transgender parliamentarian
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Virgo Ascendant, Cancer Sun, Aries Moon, Uranus-Pluto Rising

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Born: Vladimiro Guadagno, 24 June 1965, Foggia, Italy (41n27, 15e34). RR: AA. Sy Scholfield quotes data for chart (including birth time [copyright]) from birth certificate in hand, courtesy of GraZia Bordoni.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Pisces SATURN & CHIRON (conjunct Descendant), Gemini JUPITER (conjunct North Node & Zenith), Virgo URANUS & PLUTO (conjunct Ascendant). PATTERNS: GRAND WATER TRINE (Neptune, Saturn-Chiron, Mercury-Venus), KITE (Grand Water Trine plus Pluto-Ascendant), MUTABLE T-SQUARE (Uranus-Pluto opposite Saturn-Chiron, all square Jupiter). SHAPE: Horseshoe (Mercury-Venus pivotal). CHINESE SIGN: WOOD SNAKE. NUMEROLOGY: "33" LIFEPATH.

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Wikipedia Biography:

Vladimir Luxuria (born Wladimiro Guadagno in Foggia, Apulia June 24, 1965), is an Italian actress, television personality, and politician. Luxuria was a Communist Refoundation Party member of the Italian parliament, belonging to Romano Prodi's L'Unione coalition. She was the first openly transgender member of Parliament in Europe, and the world's second openly transgender MP after New Zealander Georgina Beyer. She, however, had lost her seat in the election of April, 2008.

Although Luxuria lives exclusively as a female, she has yet to undergo sex change surgery; and remains physically and legally male. She has stated on occasion that she perceives herself as neither male nor female.[1]

In the 2006 general election, Luxuria was elected to the Chamber of Deputies by the Lazio 1 constituency in Rome. She lost her seat in the 2008 election.

After the retirements of Beyer and Luxuria, there have reportedly been no transgendered MPs in the world. ....[read more at Wikipedia.

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Sy Scholfield