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Gay American Visual Artist, AIDS Activist. "You can’t despair because if you do, you just give up and you stop. To live with a fatal disease gives you a whole new perspective on life. Not that I needed any threat of death to appreciate life, because I’ve always appreciated life. I’ve always believed that you live life as fully and as completely as you can. Actually, I’ve always felt that if you have a long life, it’s a gift - and you’re lucky if that happens to you. But there’s no reason to count on it." -- Keith Haring [speaking via his Pluto in the last degree of Leo that rules his Moon in the last degree of Scorpio]. Leo Ascendant, Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sun Midheaven ![]()
Keith Haring first came to public attention with his chalk drawings in the subways of New York City. Astro-logically this reflected his Pluto (underground) in Leo (art) in the first house (public recognition). His artwork was subsequently included in several major exhibitions such as Documenta 7 in Kassel, Germany, and the Whitney Biennial in 1983. In the mid 1980s he turned his hand to painting murals in diverse locations: Melbourne, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, the Paris Museum of Modern Art, Minneapolis, Manhattan, Amsterdam, Paris, Phoenix and in Berlin on the Berlin Wall at Checkpoint Charlie. Haring's imagery has become a "universally recognized visual language of the 20th century" (Wikipedia). He was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog and so the 'barking dog' was to become one of his signature designs, along with the 'radiant baby' (the latter a manifestation of Leo on the Ascendant ruled by unaspected Sun on the Zenith). The cartoon-like quality of his imagery reflects his Neptune on the South Node and its rulership of Venus in the final degree of Pisces. Keith Haring died in 1990 of an HIV (AIDS)-related disease, and The Keith Haring Foundation, established in 1989, continues his legacy of giving to children's organizations. Haring thus put his Pluto (legacies) in Leo (children) to very good work. Haring shares a Leo Ascendant with his mentor Andy Warhol. Warhol's Sun-Venus conjunction straddles Haring's Ascendant with their midpoint right on Haring's rising degree. |
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Simon-Astley Scholfield