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The Lesbian Avengers

The Principal Lesbian Protest Group of the 1990s
"The fire will not consume us - We take it and make it our own." -- Lesbian Avengers slogan

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Libra Ascendant, Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Venus Rising

lesbian avengers astro-chart

ASTRoDATA: 9 September 1992, 08:00 (8AM) EDT (4hW), Queens, New York, USA (73W52, 40N43). Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes place and time from Sarah Schulman's My American History, with the date from Sara Pursley's "Brief History" as confirmed by the New York Times which states this date as the start of school in NYC that year. RR: B.
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Libra VENUS (conjunct and ruling the Ascendant also in Libra), Scorpio PLUTO (sextile Sun & square Moon), Aquarius SATURN (conjunct Moon & the Part of Fortune), Gemini MARS (conjunct the South Node & Zenith), Virgo JUPITER (conjunct the Sun & Ascendant, quincunx the Moon). PATTERNS: FIXED T-SQUARE (Saturn & Moon opposite Chiron, all square Pluto). MUTUAL RECEPTION: Uranus in Capricorn (semi-sextile) Saturn in Aquarius. SHAPE: LOCOMOTIVE (led by Mars on Zenith). CHINESE SIGN: WATER MONKEY. NUMEROLOGY: "10" LIFEPATH.
Wikipedia Biography:

The Lesbian Avengers is an activist group for queer women who want to promote lesbian issues and perspectives. The group aims to empower lesbians and all women to become experienced and effective organizers to take back their power and rights to live freely and unharmed. Since its founding in New York City by 6 longtime lesbian activists who had worked in different groups --Maxine Wolfe, Anne D'Adesky, Ana Simo, Sarah Schulman, Marie Honan, and Anne Maguire-- in May 1992, the group has worked mostly through direct action and street theater acts like fire eating. The British wing of the group was formed in 1992 by members of OutRage!

The Avengers work with (and for) women of all races and classes; bisexual, heterosexual, and queer women; and transgender and intersex individuals. The group claims to emphasize constructive action against heterosexist, homophobic, heteronormative, classist, racist, sexist, and generally oppressive forces and institutions in society, in the lesbian community.

There are approximately fifty-five Lesbian Avenger chapters, five of which are international. No national organization or structure connects the chapters, which are locally controlled and operated. Each chapter of the Lesbian Avengers collaborates on major events like the annual Dyke March and larger, national protests. They also work in conjunction with other progressive groups in their respective communities.

They famously intervened when Sandi Toksvig was dumped by the Save the Children charity after coming out. Following protests organised by the Lesbian Avengers, Toksvig was re-instated.

The Lesbian Avengers use the following slogans:

"The fire will not consume us – we take it and make it our own", (chanted while other Avengers are fire-eating)

"Be the bomb you throw", and

"We recruit" (referring to the societal fear that homosexuals 'recruit' children).

.... [read more at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].

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Lesbian Avengers Handbook

"The Lesbian Avenger"
by Dr. Madelyn Hatter
From the Album No Morning After

"Lesbian Avengers"
by queer band, Consolidated
From the Album Dropped [explicit lyrics - yeah!]


Highleyman, Liz. "PAST Out: The Fire-Eating Lesbian Avengers"

Pursley, Sara. "A Brief History of the Dyke March, According to Me"

Retter, Yolanda. "Dyke Marches: A Herstory"

Sanchez, Rene & Bill Miller. “Gay Activists Carry Protests to Capitol and White House.” Washington Post 25 April 1993, pp. 1+16.

Wessling, Andrea Chace. "The Lesbian Avengers" WS 201: Feminist Theories and Methodologies. (great links)!

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Sy Scholfield